7 Swift Custom Rock Pop Presets #4
Custom Rock Pop Presets #4
$5.00 -
Hard Rock Guitar Tone
$3.99 -
Alex Strabala HX Stomp A30+A15 Stereo Amps
A30 + A15 in parallel with my signature 15ms simple delay which massively increases the stereo image. This preset is designed to integrate into your existing pedalboard as a direct solution with a couple extra effects if you want to use them. It w
$7.99 -
Alex Strabala HX Stomp Stereo Boutique
This preset contains two popular boutique amps set up in stereo for edge of breakup tones. The stereo image from these two amps is huge, and is even bigger in v2!
$7.99 -
Angel 212 V30E Essential Cabinet IR
10 Mix Ready cabinet IR, single and blended impulses included based on an Engl 2x12 loaded with Celestion V30 Made in England
$6.79 -
Angel 412 V60 Cabinet IR
Angel 412 V60 Based on an Engl 4x12 loaded with Celestion V60 More than 2500 Different IRs
$44.90 -
Angel RT112 V30 Essential Cabinet IR
10 Mix Ready IR, single and blended impulses included. Based on a Engl E112R 1x12 loaded with Celestion V30
$6.79 -
Arcadia 212 Vintage
Hand Crafted Vintage Custom 212 by 3 Sigma Audio
$7.00 -
Barber 212 M25 Cabinet IR
More than 1800 Cabinet IRs based on a Mezzabarba Zeta 2x12 loaded with Celestion G12M25
$39.90 -
Barber 212 T75 Essential Cabinet IR
10 Mix Ready cabinet IR, single and blended impulses included based on a Mezzabarba Zeta 2x12 loaded with Celestion G12T75
$9.90 -
Bill Jenkins Bass Custom
Bill Jenkins Bass Custom
$12.00 -
Blakster 412
48 impulse responses for all genres of music, featuring 4 Celestion style G12-CL 80W speakers mounted into a Blackstar style HTV 412 320W cabinet. Microphones based on SM57, R121, C414, MD421, BX-44 and U87. Seven measurements per microphone from
$12.00 -
Blue Pairs
100 impulse responses featuring a Laney style Lionheart LT112 cabinet mounted with the following Celestion style speakers: G12H-30 60W, G12K-100, G12M-25, G12T-75, and a Jensen style C12R (20 IRS per speaker)
$18.00 -
Bob Marlette IR Pack
Bob Marlette worked with artists such as Black Sabbath, Marilyn Manson, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Alice Cooper, and much more. Now for the first time ever, you have access to his guitar tones and cabinets via Kemper Profiles and Impulse Responses all captured
$50.00 -
Bogie 212 ATY Essential Cabinet IR
10 Mix Ready cabinet IR, single and blended impulses included based on a Mesa Boogie 2x12 loaded with Celestion A-Type
$6.79 -
Bogie 212 CB65 Essential Cabinet IR
Bogie 212 CB65 - Essential Pack Based on a Mesa Boogie 2x12 loaded with Celestion G12M65 Creamback 10 Mix Ready profiles, single and blended IRs included
$6.79 -
Bogie 212 EVH Cabinet IR
Bogie 212 EVH Based on a Mesa Boogie 2x12 loaded with Celestion G12EVH
$44.90 -
Bogie 212 EVH Essential Cabinet IR
10 Mix Ready IR, single and blended impulses included. Based on a Mesa Boogie 2x12 loaded with Celestion G12EVH
$6.79 -
Bogie 212 VTY Essential Cabinet IR
10 Mix Ready IR, single and blended impulses included. Based on a Mesa Boogie 2x12 loaded with Celestion V-Type
$6.79 -
Bogie C212 G12M Cabinet IR
Bogie C212 G12M Based on a Mesa Boogie 2x12 Compact loaded with Celestion G12M More than 2300 Different IRs
$44.90 -
Bogie C212 V30 Essential Cabinet IR
10 Mix Ready cabinet IR, single and blended impulses included based on a Mesa Boogie 2x12 Compact loaded with Celestion V30
$6.79 -
Bogie LS212 AlnRby Cabinet IR
More than 2400 Different IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Lonestar 2x12 loaded with Celestion Alnico Ruby
$44.90 -
Bogie LS212 C90 Cabinet IR
More than 2400 Different IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Lonestar 2x12 loaded with Mesa Blackshadow C90
$44.90 -
Bogie MK4B EV12 Cabinet IR
Bogie MK4B EV12 (1200+ IR) Based on a Mesa Boogie Mark 4 Rev B Combo 1x12 loaded with Mesa Electrovoice EV12
$32.90 -
Bogie OS 412 ATY Cabinet IR
More than 2400 IRs based on a Mesa Boogie 4x12 Oversized loaded with Celestion A-Type
$44.90 -
Bogie OS 412 G12M Essential Cabinet IR
10 Mix Ready cabinet IR, single and blended impulses included based on a Mesa Boogie 4x12 Oversized loaded with Celestion G12M Greenback
$6.79 -
Bogie RCT110 G10CB Essential Cabinet IR
10 Mix Ready cabinet IR, single and blended impulses included based on a Mesa Boogie Mini Recto 1x10 loaded with Celestion G10 Creamback
$6.79 -
Bogie RKc 412 GOV Cabinet IR
More than 1800 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 4x12 (closed part) loaded with Eminence Governor
$39.90 -
Bogie RKc 412 V30 Essential Cabinet IR
Bogie RKc 412 V30 - Essential Pack Based on a Mesa Boogie 4x12 Roadking loaded with Celestion V30 on Closed Back part 10 Mix Ready profiles, single and blended IRs included
$6.79 -
Bogie RR112 BLS Cabinet IR
2232 High Quality Cabinet IRs Based on a Mesa Boogie Road Ready Thiele 1x12 with Electrovoice EV12 Black Label
$44.99 -
Bogie RR112 SWI Cabinet IR
2228 High Quality Cabinet IRs Based on a Mesa Boogie Road Ready Thiele 1x12 with Celestion Sidewinder S12-150
$44.99 -
Bogie TA212 AlnRby Cabinet IR
More than 2000 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Transatlantic 2x12 loaded with Celestion Alnico Ruby
$44.90 -
Bogie TH112 C90 Cabinet IR
More than 5300 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Thiele 1x12 Cabinet loaded with Celestion Blackshadow C90
$44.90 -
Bogie Tweed JBA Essential Cabinet IR
10 Mix Ready cabinet IR, single and blended impulses included based on a Mesa Boogie Caifornia Tweed 2x12 loaded with Jensen Blackbird Alnico
$6.79 -
Bogie Tweed P12N Cabinet IR
More than 2400 Different IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Caifornia Tweed 2x12 loaded with loaded with Jensen P12N
$44.90 -
Bogie Tweed V30E Cabinet IR
More than 2400 Different IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Caifornia Tweed 2x12 loaded with Celestion V30 made in England
$44.90 -
Bogna 112S EVH Essential Cabinet IR
10 Mix Ready cabinet IR, single and blended impulses included based on a Bogner 1x12 CPS loaded with Celestion G12EVH
$6.79 -
Bogna 112S H100E Essential Cabinet IR
Bogna 112S H100E - Essential Pack Based on a Bogner 1x12 CPS loaded with Celestion G12H100 Made in England
$6.79 -
Bogna 112S SCH55 Essential Cabinet IR
10 Mix Ready cabinet IR, single and blended impulses included based on a Bogner 1x12 CPS loaded with Scumback H55
$6.79 -
Bogna 112S VET30 Essential Cabinet IR
Bogna 112S VET30 - Essential Pack Based on a Bogner 1x12 CPS loaded with WGS Veteran 30 10 Mix Ready profiles, single and blended IRs included
$6.79 -
Bogna 212CB K100 Essential Cabinet IR
10 Mix Ready cabinet IR, single and blended impulses included based on a Bogner 2x12 Closed Back loaded with Celestion G12K100
$6.79 -
Bogna 212OS V30 Cabinet IR
Bogna 212OS V30 Based on a Bogner 2x12 OS loaded with Celestion V30
$44.90 -
Bogna 412 V30 Cabinet IR
3800 Cabinet IRs based on a Bogner 4x12 Cabinet loaded with Celestion V30
$44.90 -
Bogney 212
48 impulse responses for all genres of music, featuring 2 Celestion style G12H-30 Greenback speakers mounted into a Bognor style 212 cabinet. Microphones based on SM57, R121, C414, MD421, BX-44 and U87. Seven measurements per microphone from the c
$12.00 -
Brit 1960 RCG80 Essential Cabinet IR
Brit 1960 RCG80 - Essential Pack Based on a Marshall 1960 4x12 loaded with Rola Celestion G12-80
$6.79 -
Brit 1960 T75V30 Cabinet IR
Brit 1960 T75V30 Blended IR Cab pack based on two Marshall 1960 4x12 loaded with Celestion V30 and Celestion G12T75 20 IR Included
$21.89 -
Brit 1960 V30 Cabinet IR
Brit 1960 V30 Based on a Marshall 1960 4x12 loaded with Celestion V30
$44.90 -
Brit 2144 G12M Essential Cabinet IR
Brit 2144 - Essential Pack Based on a Marshall JMP2144 2x12 combo loaded with Rola Celestion G12M Blackback 10 Mix Ready profiles, single and blended IRs included