• Jazz Tones 1

    Jazz Tones 1

    The 48 IRS provided in this pack were created using a Roland style Jazz Chorus 120 loaded with a Jensen style C12R and a Celestion style G12 Vintage 30, panned hard left and right, with an additional room mic using Neumann stryle U87 microphone. They

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  • US Princess Ultimate Preset

    US Princess Ultimate Preset

    This preset is based around the brand new to 3.0 firmware US Princess amp model and contains 4 snapshots of varying drive levels ranging from Clean to Lead. It also contains a full array of FX models. For Helix only.

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  • Grammatico GSG Preset

    Grammatico GSG Preset

    The amazing Grammatico amp model, which is based on highly sought-after 80's era boutique amps, is super dynamic and touch sensitive. One of the most fun amp models to play and this preset takes advantage of that by adding a range of effects and tone

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  • Helix B3 Organ Simulation Patch

    Helix B3 Organ Simulation Patch

    This patch simulates the sound of a Hammond B3 Organ. It also has a very nice clean Jazz tone when the Organ is disengaged. Also has the Leslie and Speed control switch. For Helix, Helix LT, Helix Native, Helix Rack.

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  • US Double Nrm Ultimate Preset

    US Double Nrm Ultimate Preset

    This preset is based around the US Double Nrm amp model, which is a model of a Fender Twin amp and contains 3 snapshots of varying drive levels ranging from Clean to Push to Lead. It also contains a full array of FX models. For Helix only.

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  • British&American STOMP Preset Pk Bundle

    British&American STOMP Preset Pk Bundle

    This bundle includes the Jason Sadites HX STOMP British Preset Pack and the American Preset Pack together at over 30% off the price of them separately. The British Preset Pack is based around the Marshall style amps in the HX STOMP while the American

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  • Placater Power HX Stomp

    Placater Power HX Stomp

    This preset has been tested and is ready to go for use on stage or in the studio right out of the gate! A great classic rock, blues/rock preset that uses 3 Snapshots- Crunch- Heavier- and a singing Lead.

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  • Essex A30 Ultimate Preset

    Essex A30 Ultimate Preset

    This preset is based around the Essex A30 (Vox AC30 Top Boost) amp model and contains 4 snapshots of varying drive levels ranging from Clean to Lead. It also contains a full array of FX models. For Helix only.

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  • Moke's 'POD Go' Acoustic Sim. - Two Pack

    Moke's 'POD Go' Acoustic Sim. - Two Pack

    A pair of 'Tone Matched' Acoustic Guitar Simulator presets that converts the sound of Humbucker or Single-Coil 'Bridge' magnetic pickup on an electric guitar into a fairly realistic acoustic guitar sound. INCLUDES TWO PRESETS AND TWO CUSTOM 'IRs'.

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  • Fluff Guitar & Bass Pack 1

    Fluff Guitar & Bass Pack 1

    Get 9 core patches, each with multiple tones and snapshots. Ultra heavy 9 string tones, super clean 80s tones, big 'ol bass tones, and even Fluffs actual tour patch he uses with Dragged Under. BOOM!

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  • Complete HX STOMP Preset Pack - Vol. 1, 2 & 3

    Complete HX STOMP Preset Pack - Vol. 1, 2 & 3

    This is a package which includes all of the Jason Sadites HX Stomp Marketplace presets up to and including the latest EPIC Stomp preset. This is a chance to get all these preset packs at a discount of over 30%.

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  • Pod Go Complete Preset Pack Vol. 1,2 & 3

    Pod Go Complete Preset Pack Vol. 1,2 & 3

    This is a 27 preset/bundle package which includes all of the Jason Sadites Pod Go Marketplace presets up to and including the latest the MahaShiva Pod Go preset. This is a chance to get all these preset packs at a discount of approximately 30%.

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  • 2204 Stomp Preset

    2204 Stomp Preset

    The 2204 Stomp preset is a 3 (HX Stomp) or 4 (HX StompXL XL) snapshot preset based around the Brit 2204 amp model (Marshall JCM-800) with snapshots ranging from Push to OD to Lead & Lead 2 (Stomp XL) tones. For HX Stomp & HX Stomp XL.

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  • Offender!


    A nice, versatile Fender Tweed Blues style clean tone that has various gain stages and an ambient snapshot.

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  • Ludo's Guitar Legends 3.0 Pack

    Ludo's Guitar Legends 3.0 Pack

    Ludo's Guitar Legends Pack with 64 presets for Line 6 Helix Based on legendary guitar players' gear. Revised for firmware 3.01, New presets added

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  • Sound Like U2 Deluxe Preset Pack HX Stomp

    Sound Like U2 Deluxe Preset Pack HX Stomp

    6 presets from my preset pack 1 and preset pack 2 faithfully replicating classic U2 songs/tones: Where The Streets Have No Name, Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, Vertigo, Pride, Bad, Mysterious Ways. Compatible with: HX Stomp

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  • Alex Strabala Brit Mars Plexi v2

    Alex Strabala Brit Mars Plexi v2

    Versatile rock preset that covers a wide variety of tones (check out the demo video): EVH, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, early Metallica, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and more general Brit Plexi tones like Green Day, Paramore, etc. Single Coil / Humbucker toggle sw

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  • OwnHammer 212 RECT

    OwnHammer 212 RECT

    OwnHammer impulse response library based on a MESA/Boogie™ horizontal Rectifier™ 2x12 cabinet.

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  • Alex Strabala Hillsong-inspired HX Stomp

    Alex Strabala Hillsong-inspired HX Stomp

    This set of presets seeks to recreate the guitar tones on recent Hillsong Worship and United records. The download is a zip file with two presets: one with a compressor, amps, cabs, and a reverb, and the other with 6 additional effects from the Helix

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  • Jam Pack 1

    Jam Pack 1

    16 impulse responses, hand-picked from various Swift Music packs. A great chance to test out the packs on offer at a favourable price.

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  • Plexi Trem Jump Ultimate Preset

    Plexi Trem Jump Ultimate Preset

    The Plexi Trem Jump Ultimate preset is a 4 snapshot preset based around the Plexi Trem Jump amp model with snapshots ranging from Clean to Push to OD to Lead tones. It also contains a full array of FX. This bundle also includes a stripped back HX Sto

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  • Aristocrat TR Ultimate Preset + IR Collection

    Aristocrat TR Ultimate Preset + IR Collection

    This preset is based around the new to Firmware 3.70 Line 6 Original Aristocrat amp model through a custom IR based on a killer Two-Rock 1x12 speaker cabinet and contains 5 snapshots (Helix, 3 snapshots for HX Stomp, 4 snapshots for HX Stomp XL) of v

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  • Grammatico Blues

    Grammatico Blues

    Great blues style patch based on the Grammatico amp model. Now with Helix 3.50 updated cab model.

    Great blues style patch based on the Grammatico amp model.

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  • Helix Acoustic Simulation

    Helix Acoustic Simulation

    A collection of acoustic simulation presets for standard electric guitars. I used different electric guitars/pickups as possible (Fender Telecaster & Stratocaster, Gibson Les Paul, Ibanez RG, Suhr etc...) and made tonematch presets for each of them.

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    Multi Amp preset with two custom IRs for your Helix. Huge cleans, classic dirty tones, amazing lead and classical distortion, tuned for your live performance.

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  • RectiFire Ultimate Preset

    RectiFire Ultimate Preset

    This preset is based around the Cali Rectifire amp model and contains 4 snapshots of varying drive levels ranging from Push to Lead. It also contains a full array of FX models. For Helix only.

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  • Reggae Tones 1

    Reggae Tones 1

    The 48 IRS provided in this pack were created using a Peavey style Classic 50 Combo loaded with 2 Jensen style MOD 12-70 70W “Blue” speakers, panned hard left and right, with an additional room mic based on a C451 microphone. They have been volume le

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  • Ultimate Preset Bundle Vol. 6

    Ultimate Preset Bundle Vol. 6

    This 6 preset bundle contains all of the Jason Sadites ULTIMATE presets from the WhoWatt Ultimate up to and including the latest Essex A15 Ultimate preset. The Ultimate presets are all multi-snapshot presets which each contain a full array of FX. You

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