Boutique Pack (Helix)
This preset pack is a collection of 3 mid-gain presets for some beautiful boutiquey tones...
$9.99 -
Citrus Pod Go Preset
The Citrus Pod Go preset is a 4 snapshot preset based around the Mandarin 80 amp model in the Pod Go. It also contains a number of FX pedal blocks to be used in stompbox mode. For Pod Go.
$3.99 -
Classic 80's Vol. 2
A preset dialed in to give a classic 80's style tone. Super compressed clean and very unique rhythm and two lead snapshots.
$3.99 -
Eminence Cannabis Rex™ 12 Impulse Response
The Eminence Cannabis Rex™ 12 guitar speaker impulse response lets your laid-back style come through. Clean and full, with lots of body and sparkle. Smokey smooth with high-end definition. Country, Jazz, or Classical guitarists take notice. Based on
$11.99 -
Epic PodGo Preset
The Epic Pod Go preset is a Pod Go preset based around the Line 6 Original Epic amp model. It is a 4 snapshot preset starting at Push to 2xOverdrive to Lead. For PodGo only.
$3.99 -
H* Acoustic PLUS Electric-Variax & Helix
Multi-voice Presets (8 total) for Variax & Helix/Rack/LT, instructions included. James Tyler Variax, Variax Standard, or Shuriken REQUIRED! HX v. 2.91 REQUIRED!
$15.00 -
A versatile JTM preset that covers from clean/ambient to all out, in your face fuzz!
$4.99 -
Line 6 Ventoux Ultimate Preset
This preset is based around the new to Firmware 3.15 Ventoux amp model, which is a Line 6 original boutique amp and contains 4 snapshots of varying drive levels ranging from Clean to Lead. It also contains a full array of FX models. For Helix only.
$4.99 -
Litigator Ultimate Preset
This preset is based around the Line 6 Litigator amp model and contains 5 snapshots of varying drive levels ranging from Clean to Lead. It also contains a full array of FX models. For Helix only.
$4.99 -
Bass Preset Jamiroquai Style
$3.99 -
THE HIGH-GAIN FOUNDATION: Based on the Marshall JCM 800
This bundle contains 4 meticulously crafted guitar presets for your Line6 Helix units. The presets are made to suit modern productions and sound great live.
$8.00 -
The Secret Block Trick
This preset will reveal a secret that will allow you to have a real, analogue, tube, fat tone with a natural feeling as if it were a tube amplifier. With the secret block trick get ready to feel the valves inside your Helix!
$10.00 -
Tweed Preset Pack
This is a 3 preset pack containing presets based around the Fullerton amp models which are new to the firmware 2.8 update. Each preset contains at minimum 4 snapshots which progressively add more gain with each snapshot. For Helix only.
$9.99 -
Vocs 212 AlnBlue Essential Cabinet IR
Vocs 212 AlnBlu - Essential Pack Based on a Vox 2x12 Cabinet loaded with Alnico Blu 10 Mix Ready profiles, single and blended IRs included
$6.79 -
You Really Got Me - sound like Van Halen
Helix patch designed to sound like Eddie Van Halen's iconic guitar tone in Van Halen's "You Really Got Me"
$6.00 -
Zilla 2x12 IR pack
(30 Massive Zilla 2x12 IRs)
$19.00 -
60 Cycle Hum 2021 SNAMM Patches
All of Ryans custom patches used at Summer Namm 2021: Surf, Crunchy Princess, Big Fuzz, Buzz Fuzz, Ambient, Fun Metal & some freaky patches like Filter Fight, Lumpy, Wobbles and "Freaky"
$20.00 -
Alex Strabala Helix Stereo Cali Texas
This preset has channels 1 and 2 of the Cali Texas amp model in stereo, and the stereo spread is massive.
$7.99 -
Atomic Punk-Helix
7 awesome snapshots filled with flangers, phasers, overdrive, delays and shreddy goodness! Also comes with 2 custom IR's from Live Ready Sound!
$19.99 -
Beano Preset for Helix
Beano – Preset by Constantine Studios
$4.99 -
Blues Rock #2
48 presets and impulse responses created for guitarists of the blues rock genre. Six world class microphones based on an RCA FG44, ELA 251, SM57, Royer 121, AKG 414 and a Sennheiser MD421. Four snapshots per preset: Clean, Delay, Chorus and Distortio
$16.00 -
Brit P75 Ultimate Preset
The Brit P75 Ultimate preset is a 4 snapshot preset based around the Brit P75 Nrm amp model (Park 75 amplifier) with snapshots ranging from Push to OD 1, OD 2 & Lead tones. It also contains a full array of FX. For Helix only.
$4.99 -
ChamPlexi Preset
The ChampPlexi preset is a blended dual amp preset using both a Marshall and Fender style amp blended to get the best characteristics of both amps. It is a 5 snapshot preset ranging from Clean up to Lead with Delay. For Helix only.
$3.99 -
ChCus 112 C12K Essential Cabinet IR
10 Mix Ready IR, single and blended impulses included. Based on a Choptones Custom 1x12 Cabinet loaded with a Jensen C12K
$6.79 -
Chris' Cabs
3 of my personal cabs, captured with my favorite mics!
$15.00 -
Complete HX STOMP Preset Pack - Vol. 1
This is a package which includes all of the Jason Sadites HX Stomp Marketplace presets up to and including the latest Nashville Stomp preset. This is a chance to get all these preset packs at a discount of over 30%.
$64.99 -
Dual Plexi Ultimate
The Dual Plexi Ultimate preset is an eight snapshot preset based around two complimentary blended Marshall Plexi style amps found in the Helix. It also contains a set of FX to be used in stomp box mode. For Helix only.
$4.99 -
Eddi3 412 EVH Essential Cabinet IR
Eddi3 412 EVH - Essential Pack Based on an EVH 5150III 4x12 loaded with Celestion G12EVH 10 Mix Ready profiles, single and blended IRs included
$6.79 -
Eminence Texas Heat™ Impulse Response
The Eminence Texas Heat™ Impulse Response is the All-American guitar speaker impulse response that’s packin’ heat, Texas-style. It delivers a beautiful warm, fat tone with top-end bite and clarity to cut through a mix while maintaining a vibrant, blu
$11.99 -
Epic Stomp Preset
The Epic Stomp preset is an HX Stomp preset based around the Line 6 Original Epic amp model. It is a 3 snapshot preset starting at Push to Overdrive to Lead. For HX Stomp.
$3.99 -
G12-65 - 4x12 (Closed) Cab IR
The official Celestion G12-65 guitar speaker impulse response, recorded in a 4x12 closed back cabinet.
$11.99 -
G12M-65 Creamback - 4x12 (Closed) Cab IR
The official Celestion G12M-65 Creamback guitar speaker impulse response, recorded in a 4x12 closed back cabinet.
$11.99 -
Grammatic GSG 1 Pod Go Preset
This preset is based around the new to PodGo Firmware 2.00 Grammatico GSG (Grammatico GSG 100) amp model on its "ROCK" setting and contains 2 presets, with 4 and 2 snapshots respectively, of varying drive levels ranging from Clean to Lead. For PodGo
$4.99 -
H* "Singwriter" Helix Floor_Rack & Acoustic and Vocal
Guitar/Vocal/Looper Live Performance Presets for Helix/Rack, IRs and instructions included. For Helix Rack and Floor only. NOT for Native/LT/Effects/Stomp/Stomp XL
$15.00 -
Hess 412 Demon Essential Cabinet IR
10 Mix Ready cabinet IR, single and blended impulses included based on an Hesu 4x12 loaded with Hesu Demon Speaker
$6.79 -
Based on 2204 and Archetype Clean
$3.99 -
III Sided Nuno for PodGo
Nuno's Tone From III Sides To Every Story
$4.99 -
Jam Pack 3
16 impulse responses, hand-picked from various Swift Music packs. A great chance to test out the packs on offer at a favourable price.
$5.00 -
Killing Surname
Rage Against The Machine Style Guitar Preset
$3.99 -
Kinetic Ultimate Preset
This preset is based around the new to Firmware 3.70 Line 6 Original Kinetic amp model and contains 4 snapshots (Helix, 3 snapshots for HX Stomp, 4 snapshots for HX Stomp XL) of varying drive levels. It also contains a full array of FX models. For He
$4.99 -
Ludo's 80's Legends 3.0 pack
Ludo's 80's Legends Pack with 16 presets for Line 6 Helix Based on legendary guitar players' gear. Revised for firmware 3.01, new preset added
$19.99 -
Ludo's Hardrock Legends 3.0 Pack
Ludo's HardRock Legends Pack 17 presets Line6 helix based on legendary guitar player's gear Revised for firmware 3.01, New Presets added
$19.99 -
Luke 10:21 Preset for Pod Go
Luke 10:21 includes 2 Presets and Custom IR
$9.99 -
Mar. Shall. Head
Pure Hard Rock Guitar Tone
$3.99 -
Metal Pack vol.1 Cabinet IR
The Metal Pack Vol.1 is a collection of 25 “Hand Crafted” IRs made blending together a Mesa 2x12 cab (Celestion V30), with a 2x12 Hesu Modern (Hesu Demon).
$21.89 -
Moke's 'Limelight' v2.1
A 'Tone Matched' preset for the song 'Limelight' by 'Rush'. For Humbucker Pickups
$7.50 -
Moke's 'Plush'
A 'Tone Matched' preset for the song 'Plush' by ?'Stone Temple Pilots' For Humbucker Pickups
$7.50 -
Moke's 'Still of the Night'
A triple 'Tone Matched' preset for the song 'Still of the Night' by 'Whitesnake. For Humbucker Pickups