Bogie OS 412 CL80 Cabinet IR
More than 2400 Different IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Oversized 4x12 loaded with Celestion Classic Lead 80
$44.90 -
Bogie OS 412 D77 Cabinet IR
More than 3300 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie OS 4x12 loaded with Eminence DV77
$44.90 -
Bogie OS 412 Demon Cabinet IR
Bogie OS 412 Demon Based on a Mesa Boogie 4x12 Oversized loaded with Hesu Demon
$44.90 -
Bogie OS 412 EVM Cabinet IR
More than 2400 Different IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Oversized 4x12 loaded with Mesa Blackshadow EV12
$44.90 -
Bogie OS 412 G12C Cabinet IR
More than 3400 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie OS 4x12 loaded with Celestion G12C (custom Greenback made for Marshall)
$44.90 -
Bogie OS 412 G12M Cabinet IR
Bogie OS 412 G12M Based on a Mesa Boogie 4x12 Oversized loaded with Celestion G12M Greenback
$44.90 -
Bogie OS 412 GOV Cabinet IR
More than 2600 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Oversized 4x12 Cabinet loaded with Eminence Governor
$44.90 -
Bogie OS 412 GT12 Cabinet IR
More than 1500 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie OS 4x12 loaded with Carvin GT12
$34.90 -
Bogie OS 412 JAG Cabinet IR
More than 1500 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie 4x12 Oversized loaded with Randall Jaguar RES80
$34.90 -
Bogie OS 412 K100 Cabinet IR
More than 3300 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie 4x12 Oversized loaded with Celestion G12K100
$44.90 -
Bogie OS 412 LYN Cabinet IR
Bogie OS 412 LYN Based on a Mesa Boogie 4x12 Oversized loaded with Celestion Lynchback
$44.90 -
Bogie OS 412 LYNV30 Cabinet IR
Bogie OS 412 LYNV30 Blended IR Cab pack based on two Mesa Boogie OS 4x12 loaded with Celestion Lynchback and V30 25 IR Included
$21.89 -
Bogie OS 412 MV Cabinet IR
More than 3600 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie OS 4x12 loaded with Celestion G12V Marshall Vintage
$44.90 -
Bogie OS 412 P50 Cabinet IR
More than 2600 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Oversized 4x12 Cabinet loaded with Eminence P50
$44.90 -
Bogie OS 412 SHEF Cabinet IR
More than 1500 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie OS 4x12 loaded with Sheffield 1200
$34.90 -
Bogie OS 412 V30 Cabinet IR
Bogie OS 412 V30 (1600+ IR) Based on a Mesa Boogie 4x12 Oversized loaded with Celestion V30 (made in England)
$44.90 -
Bogie OS 412 V30D77 Cabinet IR
40 Blended Cabinet IR based on a Mesa Boogie OS 4x12 loaded with Celestion V30 and Eminence DV77
$21.89 -
Bogie OS 412 VTY Cabinet IR
More than 2400 IRs based on a Mesa Boogie 4x12 Oversized loaded with Celestion V-Type
$44.90 -
Bogie R25 F75 Cabinet IR
More than 2800 Different IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Rectoverb 25 1x12 loaded with Fillmore F75
$44.90 -
Bogie RCT110 G10CB Cabinet IR
More than 2400 Different IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Mini Recto 1x10 loaded with Celestion G10 Creamback
$44.90 -
Bogie RCT112 BLS Cabinet IR
More than 2400 Different IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Mini Recto 1x12 loaded with Electrovoice EVM12L Black Label
$44.90 -
Bogie RCT112 C90 Cabinet IR
More than 3600 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Mini Recto 1x12 loaded with Mesa Blackshadow C90
$44.90 -
Bogie RCT112 HDOG Cabinet IR
More than 1600 Cabinet IRs based on a Eminence Hempdog 12 Pete Anderson Signature
$34.90 -
Bogie RCT112 V30E Cabinet IR
More than 2400 Different IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Mini Recto 1x12 loaded with Celestion V30 made in England
$44.90 -
Bogie RCT112 VBS Cabinet IR
More than 1500 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie 1x12 Mini Recto loaded with Eminence Vintage BlackShadow
$34.90 -
Bogie RK212 AlGld Cabinet IR
More than 1700 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 2x12 loaded with Celestion Alnico Gold
$39.90 -
Bogie RK212 CB65 Cabinet IR
More than 1800 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 2x12 loaded with Celestion Creamback M65
$39.90 -
Bogie RK212 CV Cabinet IR
More than 2000 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 2x12 loaded with Celestion Century Vintage
$44.90 -
Bogie RK212 CV75 Cabinet IR
More than 1700 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 2x12 loaded with Eminence CV75
$39.90 -
Bogie RK212 D77 Cabinet IR
More than 1900 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 2x12 loaded with Eminence DV-77
$44.90 -
Bogie RK212 DEM Cabinet IR
More than 1800 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 2x12 loaded with Hesu Demon
$39.90 -
Bogie RK212 E12L Cabinet IR
More than 1800 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 2x12 loaded with Electrovoice EVM12 Classic
$39.90 -
Bogie RK212 EVH Cabinet IR
More than 1800 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 2x12 loaded with Celestion G12EVH
$39.90 -
Bogie RK212 EVM Cabinet IR
More than 1800 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 2x12 loaded with Mesa Electrovoice EV12
$39.90 -
Bogie RK212 G1265 Cabinet IR
More than 1900 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 2x12 loaded with Celestion G12-65 Heritage
$44.90 -
Bogie RK212 G12CS Cabinet IR
More than 1800 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 2x12 loaded with WGS G12C/S
$39.90 -
Bogie RK212 G12ME Cabinet IR
More than 1800 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 2x12 loaded with Celestion G12M made in UK
$39.90 -
Bogie RK212 H100 Cabinet IR
More than 1800 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 2x12 loaded with Celestion G12H100
$39.90 -
Bogie RK212 ICO Cabinet IR
More than 1800 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 2x12 loaded with Celestion T6496A EVH Iconic
$39.90 -
Bogie RK212 MOW Cabinet IR
More than 1800 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 2x12 loaded with Eminence Man-O-War
$39.90 -
Bogie RK212 NeoCB Cabinet IR
More than 2000 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 2x12 loaded with Celestion Neo Creamback
$44.90 -
Bogie RK212 P50 Cabinet IR
More than 1800 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 2x12 loaded with Eminence P50
$39.90 -
Bogie RK212 VTY Cabinet IR
More than 1800 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 2x12 loaded with Celestion V-Type
$39.90 -
Bogie RK412 V30 C90 Cabinet IR
Bogie RK412 V30 C90 (41 IR) Blended IR Cab pack based on a Mesa Boogie 4x12 Roadking loaded with Celestion V30 and Mesa C90 41 unique impulses, great blending of V30 and C90, ready to be played or for your productions!
$21.89 -
Bogie RKc 212 V30 Cabinet IR
2800 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie 2x12 Roadking Cabinet loaded with Celestion V30 captured on the Closed Side
$44.90 -
Bogie RKc 412 ATY Cabinet IR
More than 1800 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 4x12 (closed part) loaded with Celestion A-Type
$39.90 -
Bogie RKc 412 CB65 Cabinet IR
More than 1800 Cabinet IRs based on a Mesa Boogie Roadking 4x12 (closed part) loaded with a Celestion Creamback G12M65