Pod Go | The British pack
36 presets and 11 custom cabs for music styles like modern rock and classic hard-rock. Amp models : Mandarin 80, Brit J-45 Nrm & Brt, Brit Plexi Nrm, Brt &Jump, Brit P-75 Nrm & Brt, Brit 2204, Line 6 2204 Mod, Brit Trem Nrm, Brt & Jump, Essex A-15, E
$24.99 -
10 Premium Blues and Rock Rhythm & Lead Tones. Wide stereo presets that work for bridge, middle and neck pickups. Low to high gain with tons of sustain. Also includes 5 studio quality jam tracks, tempo list, chords and scale suggestions.
$20.00 -
Purple Urple
A great classic rock sound using the Revv Purple with 4 snapshots and a pedalboard ready to go on stage or studio with minimal tweaking to your personal set up.
$4.99 -
PV 6160 Helix
This is a preset based on the classic Peavey 5150 amp, with several gain stages, delays, reverb, and modulation effects.
$6.99 -
PV Pod Go Preset
The PV Pod Go preset is a Pod Go preset based around the PV Panama amp model. It is a 3 snapshot preset starting at Push to Overdrive to Lead.
$3.99 -
Rock & Blues: IR Pack
(21 Impulse Responses)
$14.00 -
Sons Of Apollo 'New World Today'
Bumblefoot's preset pack for all guitar parts in Sons Of Apollo song 'New World Today'
$9.99 -
SoupPro Ultimate Preset
This preset is based around the Line 6 Helix Soup Pro amp model and contains 4 snapshots of varying drive levels ranging from Clean to Lead. It also contains a full array of FX models. For Helix only.
$4.99 -
Strabala Helix US Princess + 1966 IRs
New for Helix firmware 3.0, classic Blackface US Princess tones, plus custom IRs!
$6.99 -
Studio Classic vol1 Cabinet IR
The Choptones Studio Classic Vol1 IRs pack is made for guitarists who needs the best for their studio sessions, merging in a complete collection some of the most iconic guitar cabinets and speakers every professional studio should have. Now all this
$21.89 -
The Harder Bass Ir Pack
25 Brutal Bass Ir's based on the Hartke VX410 bass cab
$28.00 -
THE HIGH-GAIN FOUNDATION: Based on the Friedman Placater
This bundle contains 4 meticulously crafted guitar presets for your Line6 Helix units. The presets are made to suit modern productions and sound great live.
$8.00 -
The Session Series Volume 3: Eddie
The Session Series Volume 3: Eddie by Mattia Santi preset pack seeking to recreate the tones of Eddie Van Halen. Included are three presets and two custom IRs, one seeking to recreate the sound of an EVH 20 watt Greenback and one seeking to recrea
$13.99 -
Thor God Of Thunder 1 Heavy Rock
High Quality Presets Featuring Meticulously Processed Speaker IRS Based On A Friedman 412 Mounted With 4 Celestion Style 75W G12H-75 12” Creamback Speaker. 8 Measurements Per Microphone Divided Into 8 single IRS (A - H). 48 Amazing Heavy Rock Emulati
$16.00 -
Tones On Fire #3
48 presets with impulse responses (cap, cap-edge, cone, cone-edge), plus an added room mic. All 100% phase-aligned, based on 2 Mojo style WT-25C and 2 G12-V30 in a Mesa Boogie style 4x12 cabinet. Microphones based on a 57, 421, 251, 121, 414, 67. The
$16.00 -
Vox™ AC-30 Top Boost from 1965, loaded with 2 Celestion™ Alnico Silver T1088's with H1777 Pulsonic Cone.
$9.99 -
All The Flavors Bundle Vol. 2
This 5 preset bundle consists of previously released Ultimate presets combined into one package at a greater than 30% discount. This bundle covers all the "flavors" of classic guitar amps. Including models in the vain of Marshall, Fender, Revv, Match
$17.49 -
Ambient Realms Patches
Includes 10 Patches for Helix, Helix LT, Helix Native, Helix Rack. This Set Also includes some Ambient Guitar Tones Suitable for a Church Setting. All Complete with Snapshots.
$15.99 -
Angl Pod Go Preset
This preset is based around the Angl Meteor amp model, which is a model of the Engl Fireball 100 amp and contains 4 snapshots of varying drive levels ranging from Push to Lead. For Pod Go.
$3.99 -
Artist Bundle: MØL
(8 Presets + 1 Snapshot)
$19.00 -
Brit 1960 V30 Essential Cabinet IR
Brit 1960 V30 - Essential Pack Based on a Marshall 1960 4x12 loaded with Celestion V30 10 Mix Ready profiles, single and blended IRs included
$6.79 -
Celestion Blue IR Collection
The official Celestion Blue guitar speaker impulse response cab collection: including 1x12 closed back, 1x12 open back, 2x12 closed back, 2x12 open back and 4x12 closed back cabinets.
$29.99 -
DG410N Bass IRS Based On Neve
High Quality Impulse Responses Featuring Meticulously Processed Speaker IRS Based On A Darkglass DG410N Cabinet Loaded With Custom Design Eminence 10" Speakers
$25.00 -
EPIC Ultimate Preset
This preset is based around the Line 6 original Epic amp model and contains 4 snapshots of varying drive levels ranging from Push to Lead. It also contains a full array of FX models. For Helix only.
$4.99 -
Modern Fusion Guitar Tone
$3.99 -
Gore Boards Volume 1
A set of 13 cool and unusual sound sets for Helix last a discount price.
$99.00 -
Helix Big Pack Vol. 2
This pack has 84 presets and 29 user IRs, using all the amps and many of the new effects added in Helix firmware 2.10, 2.30 and 2.50.
$44.99 -
Into The Abyss Bundle
192 presets and impulse responses in one great pack! Into The Abyss 1 - 4 bring you all four packs offering a fast, simple and easy way to import into your Helix Floor, LT, Rack, Native, PodGo, HX Stomp and HX Stomp XL. Four heritage speaker em
$56.00 -
Jakeland Preset for Helix
Jakelands – Preset by Constantine Studios
$9.99 -
KP WhoWatt 2 Cab
Bass WhoWatt with 2 Cab option. Rock Bass - Clean /mid forward to slight OD if pushed
$3.99 -
Mars Rock
Meticulously matched tones. Seeking to recreate the sound of a V30 and H30 speakers with the magic of amp matching seeking to recreate the sound of our 1979 Marshall JMP 2204. There are just two IRs in this pack. Two amazing IRs, with bonus preset.
$10.99 -
(30 AMPG 2x10 IRs)
$14.00 -
(30 AMPG 4x10 IRs)
$14.00 -
Based on the Mega Channel on the Diezel VH4, this preset comes with 2 IR's of the popular & hot new Eminence DV-77 speaker, mic'd with the Royer 121 and 545, giving you that big, fat, aggressive tone we all love. You also get 4 Snapshots - Crunch (a
$14.99 -
Metal & Rock Legends Bundle
The Ultimate Rock & Metal Bundle (Snapshot Presets + Premium Tone-Matched IRs)
$39.00 -
Metallurgy Thrash Ultimate Pack
This is a 9 preset pack based off of the amps and effects in the Metallurgy Thrash plugin/app. The tones range from Clean to Lead.
$9.99 -
Moke's 'Brit 800' v2.2 Humbucker
My multi-purpose, 'Clean to Mean' 'Marshall®' JCM 800® preset. Includes a Custom IR For Humbucker Pickups
$7.50 -
Moke's 'Foreplay-Longtime' V3
A 'Tone Matched' preset for the song 'Foreplay/Longtime' by 'Boston' For Humbucker Pickups Includes an 'Acoustic Guitar Simulation' that converts the sound of the 'bridge' humbucker pickup on an electric guitar into an acoustic(ish) guitar sound.
$7.50 -
OH META 412 FMAN M6402
IR library of a Friedman 4x12 cabinet loaded with 6402 cone Celestion G12M speakers
$7.99 -
Ozric TentaclED
Modern Ambient Guitar Tone
$3.99 -
Pod Go 'Boutique' Preset Pack
This preset pack is a collection of 3 mid-gain presets each with 2 snapshots for some beautiful boutiquey tones for your Pod Go.
$9.99 -
POD GO Bogner Shiva Preset with 4 Snapshots
$2.99 -
Preset Based on Matchless with 4 Snapshots
$2.99 -
PodGo PV 5150
2 snapshot preset for PodGo featuring the incredible Peavey 5150 amplifier.
$5.99 -
Prog Rock Bundle
The Essentials for the Modern Guitar Player
$14.00 -
Purple Plexi Preset for Helix
Purple Plexi - Preset for Helix by Constantine Studios
$4.99 -
REVV Purple RUU 3 CH Preset
A killer 3 snapshot preset using Fender amp for clean and REVV Purple for Rhythm & Lead.
$7.99 -
Rock Pack vol.2 Cabinet IR
The Rock Pack Vol.2 is a collection of 20 “Hand Crafted” IRs of 12 Cabs with a large variety of speakers and microphones!